Wednesday, March 30, 2011

One Proud Momma

6:10 P.M. - Experiment with me here, we shall see how long it takes me to post an average blog while finishing dinner and playing referee.

We had conferences last night and I was very pleased with the boys' reports. They both got great grades and great behavior reports. Skywalker has improved his behavior a LOT this nine weeks and I am very proud of him (although I just asked what color he was on and it was green). Dang. Talking and he doesn't even remember about what. You can bet if I was going to get in trouble for talking, I would make it good enough to remember the same afternoon. G just has problems turning in tests. Apparently it is a little like an Easter egg hunt to find his completed tests. We're working on that. The Diva got a good report from her speech therapist too. Overall, I'm one proud momma.

Sweet Baby did not like my being gone so late last night and we are paying for that today with one clingy child. Right now she is eating sweet peas for the first time, real ones not mushed up. And by eating I mean she is experimenting with how it goes when she smushes them into her seat. So far, she is pleased with the results. Oh, one just made it into the mouth, yum yums.

6:24 P.M. - 14 minutes, not bad if I do say so myself. I only had to stop to referee Wii players.

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