Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring Break 2011

Today the boys took a boys' day to go hiking at Peit Jean Mountain. They had a blast going with their dad. There will be pictures coming soon, but I fear I will not have enough time to upload them before the natives get restless. They seem to have enjoyed getting to go all the way down to the falls. After they were done there they went to the P-ville playground to play for a while. G seems to have enjoyed that the most (he even got to see his teacher hanging out there with her kids). The Diva and Sweet Baby went to preschool to see their friends while the boys went hiking. I had to go get an oil change on the Mazda 5, and a haircut for  myself-- don't worry kids, you didn't miss any fun.

At the moment they are all outside playing knights, a storyline they have developed from one of the video games Adam has been playing. Sweet Baby is sitting next to me in her highchair, wondering what I'm going to feed her next.

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