Saturday, March 19, 2011

Campfire fun, minus the camping (thank goodness)

Today the big kids spent the first day of their spring break with their daddy. They went to run some errands and came back home to help him around the house. They tuned up the truck, cleaned it out, and then spent the afternoon preparing for the big event-- a campfire!

We just came in from outside, the kids had a great time. A fine dining experience was had by all, hot dogs and s'mores, yum yum. G and The Diva entertained us with a "S'mores Dance" in honor of our tasty snack. Even the Sweet Baby joined us outside, although she slept through all the fun.

She did not have a good night last night and in turn, did not have a good day. I am pretty sure she has my allergies, lovely, which lead to a sinus infection and possible ear infection. But that's just my opinion as the mother, I'm no doctor. If she isn't better by Monday, we'll get a professional opinion to back me up.

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