Monday, March 7, 2011

On a Roll

Three days and three blogs, yahoo! I finally figured out that it was the blog domain that was keeping it from being visible, no sense writing the thing if I can't read it. Now we're on track with that but it seems I have a little helper beside me who needs to know every button I am clicking and what it does...

After our naps yesterday, Sweet Baby was up at 4:00 A.M. ready to go. I don't mind being greeted so early if she coos and laughs at me. So I pulled her close to me, gave her back her pink bear lovey and smiled as she batted my closed eyes with her sweet little hands.

On the ride home, during a moment of shared insanity, Dudley and I decided we should videotape the madness around us to entertain our coworkers. The Diva was in the back declaring every song in the afternoon line up as "THIS my sawng!!!" then proceeding to talk the whole way through it after asking for it be turned up. The Sweet Baby had just choked herself with her own pacifier. This was only a minor set back for her mood though. She let out when terrifying cry, followed by what we call, "The Silent Cry" which consists of holding her mouth open in the most pitiful, silent way followed by a full on sob. After that, there was a minute of complete whining then cooing as she had found her plastic hanging fruit again and all was right with the world. But all of that was followed by a play be play from none other than Skywalker in the back seat. The whole time I think G was just concerned about dinosaurs as fossils.

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