Thursday, March 24, 2011

Zoo Adventures

Today we graced the zoo with our presence. It was The Diva's first time as well as Sweet Baby's. All and all, it was a very good trip, usually we go in the summer or for field trips and it is so HOT but today was a nice spring day. I put suntan lotion on all of the kids but neglected Adam and I and now we're feeling it. I have the weirdest shoulder strap bag sun burn.

The Diva's favorite part was the giraffe and I have to say, I may agree with her. One was right up next to the fence so we got up close and personal.

G's favorite part was the new penguin exhibit, which was pretty cool just because it is new this spring. You can see them go underwater through a window but they weren't interested in that today. Here's a shot of them standing proudly, surveying the crowd.

Skywalker's favorite part of the zoo adventure was in the reptile house, specifically the Gila monsters. After some consultation I have found out for you that Gila monsters are big lizards. Okay, Adam just informed me that most of you will know what Gila monsters are, show of hands? Alas, I have no pictures of these. They  were in the reptile house. It is dark. And I wasn't impressed. Sorry folks.

Sweet Baby's favorite part was... the gift shop. Because that was the only part she didn't sleep through. She was the perfect baby and snoozed the whole way, didn't even fuss when she didn't get her meals on schedule.

3 little monkeys

And I leave you with a final picture of lorikeets. Just because.


  1. She looks so sweet, sleeping away and she will get the hang of it eventually! Glad the older ones had fun at the zoo, I know they enjoyed all of it. Nai-Nai
