Friday, March 18, 2011

Busy, Busy

I haven't had the chance to post much this week. We've been rather busy, fussy, or tired this week and sometimes a combination of all three!

Spring break is upon us and the kids couldn't be more excited! The Diva has asked every day all week, "How many school days?"
"Oh, so then we stay home 9 days?"
I know she likes school but she loves those stay home days. Oh, she got to see goats today at school. They were still there when I came to pick her up, right there on the playground running around. There were 2 babies, so cute and fluffy. Her favorite was the brown baby goat because he was so cute. The Sweet Baby missed the goats, she left early with her daddy. Poor thing was sickly and doing her "mahmahmahmahmah" cry. She still doesn't feel well, coughing a lot and not wanting to eat much.

Activities on the "want to" agenda for spring break: camping (which to these kids means Adam starting a fire in the backyard and having marshmallows), a park or two, cleaning up, scrap booking, and maybe some art making for the kids. I'd also like to go to the zoo but that might wait for another weekend. Taking some outside spring pictures of the kids would be nice too. As we were leaving school Skywalker told me spring break was the "perfect time for me to get stuff cleaned up around the house." Well okay, I'll put that on my list.

At the moment, they are watching Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief with their daddy. Yeah spring break!!!

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