Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Notice to Her Public

Me: "G. are you getting in trouble at school for not paying attention to your teachers?"
G: "Uh, I don't know."
Me: "If you don't know if you're in trouble that means you aren't paying attention."
G: "Huh?"

Sweet Baby pulled herself up in her crib at school today! Her teacher texted me a picture of her during my 5th grade class, when I first saw it I didn't even realize what she was doing. Then it dawned on me, "Hey, no one is holding her up!!" We came straight home and tried it here, but her crib is a little different. She still pulled up but not as well as she did at school. Hope showed me a video she took on her phone, it is so great to have teachers at her school who really care and get just as excited and proud as I do. So great to get messages while I'm at work and watch videos when I pick her up. I hate missing her day, but I also know I would be a different person if I didn't work. I wouldn't be able to get my job back after taking off for years and then wouldn't get to be with her when she is in school later. I would miss being able to be there for the boys as they grow up in the school I teach. It is so great to work with the boys' teachers and be able to be involved in what is going on at their school.

She seems to be at a growing point, not physically but mentally. I can see her responding to more of what is around her, interacting with her brothers and sister, starting to wave and laugh more. She is sitting up a lot better now, I think she might have been crawling backward earlier today. She seems so alert, and always has, but I think she is learning a lot at 7 months old. This week, she has really wanted to just play. She loves to sit on her blanket surrounded by her toys and chew on them, wave them in the air, and talk to them. I'm glad Adam will be home soon to see it for himself.

Oh, the wave. She's been working on it at school for weeks now, but this morning while she was eating her apple sauce she waved. Both kinds of wave no less. First, she took her hand and looked at it, concentrating-- open. close. open. close-- looking at it the whole time she moved it, little eyes squinted slightly, mouth pulled tight. She took a few more bites of apple sauce then waved her hand in the air, smiling proudly as if she was addressing her public. Since the older kiddos had not gotten up yet, her public at that time was me and the toys she had thrown onto the kitchen floor from her highchair thrown, but she addressed us, none the less.

Spring  break is coming up and Adam has not two but THREE weeks off! I'm sure this will provide us with many memories to blog about!

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