Saturday, March 5, 2011

So Here We Go!

I'm not totally sure about this blogging thing but I'm willing to take it on. My husband suggested I start a journal to imprint the goings on of these kiddos of ours. There's something new going on around here almost everyday. The journal sounded like a great idea to me, but every time I pick up my favorite flower pen to write, Vera Lynn bats at the pretty white petals on the end until I end up wrestling her for it, she has black ink on her face and don't get anything written. So a blog is born!

But now I remember that every time I sit down at the lap top, Vera Lynn tries to eat the USB cords. Ah well, a mom can try.

This will serve as a place for me to chronicle milestones, phases, and hum drum that is our every day life. It will be a place for The Four to look back one day at what their experiences were, a place that will allow them to KNOW what their father and I did to screw them up permanently- no guessing like those kids without their own blogs!

So for the moment... Sweet Baby is in the floor right under my feet on a blanket, surrounded by her toys and whining because she can't be in my lap. The big kids are all watching Dinosaur (picked by G). Not a lot going on tonight but we did spend the day at my best friend's house after a 36c*a/9+* zoo trip canceled due to weather. There was a trampoline involved, plus Nerf guns and stairs so they are pretty tired and easy going. Come back tomorrow when the animals have had more rest.

*shortly before hitting "PUBLISH POST" Sweet Baby won her way into my lap and quickly tried to eat the keyboard, she added her own 2 cents to my first post too.

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