Monday, April 4, 2011

28 Minutes and Counting

The Sweet Baby has gotten better at sleeping in her bed but tonight was a new record! Usually we're talking 30 minutes to an hour of patting on the bum, swaying back and forth, snack giving, music playing, mantra saying, weary eyed momma. And then sometimes we just give up and she ends up back in the bed with me. I have suspected she hasn't been getting enough milk for a while now, and after talking to a friend at work I decided to cross the line and go buy formula tonight. Yes, it is true. I gave her a bit of cereal, a bath, and she was ready. 2 ounces later, she was putty in my hands, 1 after that and she was sleep eating, with 1 once left in the 5 ouncer and she was out. She did cry when I plopped her into the crib but nothing a few pats of the bum couldn't solve. Now, the real test. Will she make it past 11:30?

I'll report back soon.

The boys both have big tests tomorrow. Although it seems to me 1st grade is having a party with the excuse of a test. Skywalker gets to bring a healthy snack and a board game. Huh? Where's the party hat and Pin the Tail on the Donkey? Sounds like a good time to me! Just kidding, it is for break times he says, because they'll be working so hard all the other times.

And from The Diva herself... today's word of advice when someone at school calls you a "boogerhead", your response should be, "Don't care," followed by a smack that sounds as if you have a giant watermelon seed stuck in your teeth. Works every time, she says.

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