Tuesday, April 12, 2011

and She's Mobile!

Long time no post. Sorry. I suppose we've been a little busy lately!

Skywalker has been sickly, I think with seasonal allergies. G was sick last week, same thing. I was giving him Benedryl until he started referring to it as "the pink stuff that makes me sleep realllll goood" and I thought I should stop giving it to him least he develop a habit. The Sweet Baby has her 2nd ear infection and has been feeling pretty crummy. In spite of that, she's learned to crawl!

Last week she started trying, but couldn't take a stride. She'd just get on her knees and then stale out and fall on her belly, which really made her mad. This past Saturday, she started taking strides of about 3 or 4 at a time. She went after plastic Easter eggs that were in the living room floor first, then anytime I left her in the floor while I went to do something, she would cry and try to crawl after me. But she'd usually just get distracted by something in the floor after a few minutes. Today though, man she is going full force! I had her in the floor early, Maddy was playing with something that involved paper and before we knew it, it was in the baby's mouth. After that, she's been after what ever she wants... as long as it is about half a room away.

At the moment, she's just finished her nighttime bottle and she is curled up in my lap as I type.

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