Saturday, April 16, 2011

5 going on 25

Sweet Baby is crawling all over the place now. Nothing is safe! As I type she is attempting, with much grunting, to pull herself up using the corner of the sofa and the edge of the recliner I am sitting in. She's peeking her little eyes up at me as if she is checking to see if she has been caught already. Her mobility was exciting for the big kids at first. They really are so proud, however, they have realized it means cleaning up their stuff or wiping off slobber if they missed something. Now it that makes it a lot of work! But they still encourage her and brag to other people, "Hey, her crawlin' now."

We had a picnic outside today but first we went by McD's and picked up some Happy Meals. The kids enjoyed sitting outside on a blanket together. They got a kick out of the baby feeding herself and making a HUGE mess of it. Then they ran around the yard after they were done. The neighbor's grandson came over to play,  who, by the way, happens to be Maddy's boyfran.

Yes, that is right folks, and it has been sealed with a ring and everything! He brought it over Friday afternoon while Maddy was taking a nap (she didn't have one at preschool and was feeling a bit on the Dark Side of things) so he asked me to give it to her and tell her, "You know, hey."

When I passed along his message and token of admiration, her reply was, "Why him not get me one like yours?" (Referring to my engagement and wedding rings) I said those cost a lot of money and are for grown ups when they really love each other. "Oh, when him big he'll get me one. Like yours." She said, holding her plastic, shiny blue fish ring out to admire the way it caught the kitchen light.

This afternoon he got a little bit in trouble with his momma because they kissed, according to them on the cheek, according to the big brothers, on the lips. The jury is still out on that one, but I'm pretty sure the big brothers were purely disgusted either way.

And Sweet Baby still hasn't made it to a standing position but she is quite upset that I took away that flip flop she stumbled over.

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