Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Let the games begin!

The 2nd Annual Cousin Camp has officially began! Wahhoo!

Aunt Jo Anne just got back from the beach (everyone stop and give her an evil eye for not inviting us, okay good) and called us up this morning to see if we were still doing cousin camp. Why, yes as a matter of fact, sounds like a good idea. We started off by making tie dyed t-shirts for all. Me being the over paranoid, spastic art teacher that I am completely covered my kitchen counter in trash bags and gave the kids all a "how to not get dye everywhere" lecture before we started (mind you, there is a 3 year old and a very spacey 8 year old involved here). My attention to overbearing details paid off though, I don't think we got dye anywhere but on the shirts. They are in trash bags on top of the washer now, I can't wait until tomorrow when I get to reveal! Now that I am thinking, I really shouldn't get too excited about a dye free counter until the shirts have been washed a couple times, huh. The kids were very excited to get to help with their shirts and I think it won't really matter to them if they turn out looking like tie dyed shirts that should have been riding the short bus to summer camp... but we shall see, we shall see.

After the shirts and some playtime, all the big kids went back to stay with Aunt Jo Anne at the fun house... that is how I think of her house. There's stairs, and a fun loving atmosphere, and a pool, and horses, and stairs, and a snack drawer. Her house is so fun.  My house is Aunt Brenda's house. It has a Wii, and a backyard, and a hallway, and well, you get the point.

This Sweet Baby is NOT happy to be left here alone. She sat in front of the door and cried for her brothers until I picked her up, she stopped of course, so I put her down in front of the pantry where I was digging around. She sat in front of that pantry and cried for her brothers until I fixed her a bottle. Sleep and formula seem to be the only things that can erase the pain from her memory. Poor, over dramatic soul. I'd like to go to Hobby Lobby for more Cousin Camp supplies, but the poor thing has tuckered herself out.

Tomorrow will be the pool, followed by other fun filled plans we will bring to you one blog at a time. If I ever find the time to blog this week. Please send the adults good thoughts and hope that I have enough caffeine to see us through. :)
This is last year's camp, minus some cousins. The Diva will miss most summers, she is with her momma. :(
And when Jo Anne and I mentioned last year, this is the mental image Makenna remembered most: Getting stung by "waspas" on the last day. She and Keaton were the only victims. G chimmed in with, "that wasn't all, we played upstairs too!" (so not all we did with them that week!)

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