Monday, July 4, 2011

Camp Update

Quick overview of Cousin Camp so far...

It is 12:17 A.M. Tuesday morning, I am up late finishing up the last of the cousin camp t-shirts. I am covered in fabric glitter and still not sure that it is effective. I have one more coat of paint to do on 2 more t-shirts. This year we went with tie-dyed, stenciled shirts. Pretty cool even if I do have to say so myself, and I'll try to post a picture later.

There was tie dying, and swimming at Briarwood. Ben's 3rd birthday was Friday so we went bowling in in celebration of that. Then there was a night at Aunt Jo Anne's house followed by a family birthday party Saturday. Sunday we did the 4th celebration with fireworks and surprise paper lanterns from Uncle Danny (they were so awesome, "just like Tangled!" they said). Monday (today) we woke up a little cranky and in need of a nap shortly after breakfast, so after a 3 hour snooze while the big kids played, the babies and moms woke up. But the moms woke up with a headache, so we just went to McD's for some playtime then had some tasty yogurt. According to Skywalker, they had "about a million kinds of ice cream to chose from and all kinds of candy to put on it." I think they were very pleased. Our part of the cousins are back home for a night of rest, plus I needed to finish these shirts. The Sweet Baby needed a night in her own bed, she hasn't been sleeping well and the boys needed to rest too I think.

Tomorrow, back into the swing of things at Aunt Jo Anne's. I think we are going to a bouncer place. Fun times!

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