Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Today, Milk and Cookies. Tomorrow... College Applications, sigh.

Disclaimer: I am on my mom's computer which doesn't have a spell check tool bar... probably because she can spell.  Plus I am in a little bit of a rush, so please read this in the morning, before your coffee and ignore mistakes until I can edit the big ones.

Today the Sweet Baby is 11 months old. One more month and I will have a toddler on my hands, which is very bittersweet for me. This year has been filled with so many milestones for her, it is sad to think that soon she will be no longer a sweet baby. Aunt Jo Anne swears she said, "Stop" today while holding out her little hand. I didn't hear it but I did see her hold out her hand, and she very well could have said it.

Cousin Camp went to The Fun Factory today, which is like Jump Zone with a shark jumper. Lots of fun was had at the factory, almost no melt downs, and only one time out. G had fun taking Ben Ming around to the different jumpers, Skywalker and Makenna busy-ed themselves with races, and Sweet Baby had fun jumping in whatever we would let her. She would crawl so fast to try and keep up with the big kids, then get to the entrance of the jumper they were in and growl because she couldn't get her leg up high enough to get in.

I let her in one jumper with big brother Skywalker, who was more than happy to help her "dance" in what he called the dance house (since it had brightly colored circles on the floor). He gets into a lot of trouble for "helping" her when she doesn't need it, which has already lead to a situation involving the fire place bricks and her head, so he was very proud to be able to help his little sister in a time of need (and not get yelled at for it).

This afternoon we went to see Makenna's gymnastics practice, she is very good! And I had no idea, but she is on a competitive team and will be in meets later! The baby and I made a pit stop at Poppy and NiNi's house... she has been stuffed full of cookies and milkers and is now being held by Poppy, who is being led by her around the house using her power of grunts and kicks to the gut.


  1. testing 1, 2, 3

  2. That baby can make herself understood with those grunts & pokes, too. Sounds like all the cousins have had a blast at Cousins' Camp this year. Ben enjoyed his 3rd birthday very much.

