Thursday, June 9, 2011

Finally Really Summer

It is officially summer now! Wahoo! So far summer for the kids has consisted of staying with NiNi and Poppy while I finished in-service days, hanging out with the cousins while I got the oil changed in the Mazda, and today we finally visited the pool. My sister and her kids came with us, and we all had a blast. The boys enjoyed having Makenna with them and had lots of fun. They didn't get worn out like the did before after a day at the pool, but the baby and I did! After we got home, they watched Jurassic Park for the 15 millionth time while the baby and I  took a nap in the living room. I think she slept for almost 3 hours!

She is saying "uh-ohhhhh" now, almost every time she drops something. She is still pointing to things she wants, in fact I let her try just a bit of cotton candy tonight, then I cleaned her up and was sitting with her while the boys finished their's. She raised herself up to standing in my lap and pointed her little demanding finger across the table to Skywalker as if she was saying, "Give me all your good stuff Brother, NOW". She loved the water today, loved, loved, loved it. And made many friends who loved her pink tutu swim suit.

I plan on taking the kids back to the pool tomorrow. Next week seems pretty busy already, so we may not get much of a chance to go. Monday the pool is closed, drats. Tuesday the boys have their first dentist appointment, double drats. Wednesday I have my last in-service day, drats again. Thursday Adam should be in, not a drats but may keep us from the pool anyway. I would also like to get them involved in the summer library program, so maybe we will check in on that tomorrow too. I hear a baby starting to stir, better finish this up.

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