Thursday, June 2, 2011

And We're Back

This is the more detailed update for the cabin weekend...
We started out like any other Thursday. I had the car packed and ready to go as soon as were were done with school. Due to 2 accidents during the day, we were already down 2 changes of clothes for the boys.

We had to stay in town for The Diva's graduation so I helped get things set up after school then we had dinner at Sonic and that's where the trouble started. The stomach bug had been going around at preschool, and on our way out that afternoon someone had said, "I hope she doesn't get this, it is pretty bad stuff." Oh but we did. Adam was the first victim of The Sweet Baby and her wrath. I was on my way back from helping The Diva change for her graduation ceremony when he brought me a soaking wet baby with stomach bug germs all over her. (Set #3 of change of clothes). We made it to the ceremony where the kids did a mean rendition of Eric Carle's popular Brown Bear, Brown Bear. Not a dry eye in the house as their dear, sweet teacher read a poem to her first set of little darlings to move on to big school. We were so proud to watch as The Diva accepted her certificate in her cap and gown, and man was she excited. Then The Carrier picked her next victim. I was on my way out of the door with her and her bag and the camera bag. I glanced over my shoulder to see if any big kids were following me and there is was, the cough all mothers know will be followed by a large amount of barf. I froze. I don't believe I've ever been covered in so much barf in public, and at such a fast rate. Luckily, one of the teachers saw me and guided me into the bathroom where she prompted me to put the baby over the sink because she wasn't done yet. (Set #4 and #5 of change of clothes). After a brief state of panic on my part and some discussion about staying or going, we were off to the cabins.

Did you know that all back roads to Hot Springs are curvy? Very Curvy. And did you know that The Diva gets car sick? Very Car sick. And I bet you didn't know that as a graduation treat, she got candy. Lots of candy (Set #6 and we had barely left the zip code yet, with 4 days still untouched on the trip). As we finally got out of the car my greeting was, "Nice to see you, but do. Not. Hug. Anyone." And that was Thursday night.

Friday we woke up in a good mood. There was fishing, boating, and swimming. Adam caught some fish so the boys could see them close up. They fished with Papa too, which G had been talking about since I had tried to convince him I was NOT the on that should take him fishing. I just am not. Granny Mary took all the big kids swimming later that day. It looked like so much fun, I had to take the baby. She had a blast in her little pink tutu suit, or bathing soup as we call it here. After I took her out of the lake, she was pointing at the water every time we passed it. She is apparently a water baby. Then Friday night, The Carrier picked her next victim. Ad felt the wrath most of the night, and although I did not feel like death, I too was impacted by the plague.

Saturday everyone else woke up feeling ready to go, except for the baby, Adam, and myself. It didn't take long though until Granny Mary was down. Then Papa. They were dropping like flies! Before long, that Sweet Baby had taken out 2 cabins worth of adults! Skywalker got a little sick Saturday, but G and The Diva are still untouched. Such a small, innocent looking baby. Squishy even. Dang can she take some grown men out. They thought they were dying.

By Sunday, everyone was beginning to feel normal, but we were tired and most of us were out of sets of clothes. So we packed up and went home. While I was getting everything packed, the Sweet Baby finally went to Granny Mary without crying for me. "Finally! That's the baby in the pictures," they all said. Yep, she's a pretty cool kid when she doesn't feel like she is dying. And Charlie thought she was cute sick, imagine if she had felt good the whole time.

All and all, we had a blast. Hard for even me to believe, but true. The kids loved spending time with their family and enjoyed every minute of the lake. The dinosaur dig kits Granny Mary brought were a big hit, they are still trying to find all the missing pieces of their fossils. They painted sun catchers too, and those turned out beautifully. I must remember to buy some hangers for those. And Uncle Charlie insisted that the boys had to watch Jurassic Park. In fact, Adam was scolded for not sharing this little cinema gem with them at this point in their short lives. Good Ole Uncle Charlie made sure they came home with a copy, plus the next 2 in the trilogy. I do believe they have watched each one at least 2 or 3 times each this week alone. Good call Charlie, good call.

Today I finally blew up the kiddie pool I bought upon our return home. I just couldn't wait to get in the water again. They had a blast in about 2 feet of water. You would have thought I had dug them an Olympic size pool the way they splashed and played. The baby walked 3 times around the rim of the pool, holding onto the side and splashing all the way around. She came in demanding a bottle and pink blankie. She's asleep on the couch with NiNi right now.

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