Friday, June 17, 2011

If Only Life Had Bumpers

We ventured out on our first summer bowling trip for the summer. I believe we went Monday... yes, that's right. Monday the pool is closed so we have to find other means to keep ourselves entertained. The first game we didn't use bumpers...
Score without bumpers
Then the owner came by, took pity upon us, and asked if I knew how to set up bumpers. "Why, do the scores look like we need them?" hahah, so...

Score with bumpers
 Skywalker got both of the only strikes scored, one with and one without bumpers. The Sweet Baby had fun watching as long as I kept the Animal Crackers coming.

Today the boys have been helping Adam move logs from a tree he cut down in the front yard. They say it was hard work that took them all afternoon and now they would like to just play. I agree, I'd like to just play too.

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