Friday, June 24, 2011

Awwwl, Sweet Baby hearts her blankies.

Sweet Baby is under my feet (mothers everywhere gasp at the thought of a small child being under my feet, right?) chatting away with herself about whatever things are exciting to a 10 almost 11 month old girl. She is also toting a small blanket back and forth with her from underneath my feet at the table, to the chair on the other side of the table, to the front door, and back to my feet.

She has a new thing with blankets. She's always loved 2 blankets the best: her hot pink fleece blanket because it means nap time with Mommy and her blankie NiNi crocheted the edge around for her, it is very soft and made from bamboo fleece.

Here she uses the beloved pink blankie to entertain herself while avoiding nap time.
Now blankets can also be used as toys, to be drug around the house and flung at unsuspecting victims. One could also use them to help ease the pain of teething. I'm just waiting on her to chew a whole right through one. And now, she has learned she can comfort herself with them too. She takes the blankie, flings it out as far as her little hands can reach, positions herself up on her knees, and face-plants herself right in the middle of its softness. Sometimes, if you are lucky, you will hear the sweetest "awwwl" as she rubs her hands on the softness.

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