Wednesday, June 1, 2011

But the havoc was so wide spread for such a small carrier...

It has been brought to my attention lately that I should blog more often. I couldn't agree more! I won't try to catch you up in one afternoon, so I'll just fill you in on what is going on right this moment.

We're home from school early today due to 1:00 days at the end of the school year and a sickly baby. The boys have one more day of school left and then they are off for the summer. The Diva had graduation last week and is super excited about going to see her mom for the summer.

We had a camping trip over the weekend to a nearby lake, complete with cabins and fishing! There was a lot of fun, but also a lot of stomach bug thanks to "The Carrier", as she was lovingly nicknamed after taking down 2 cabins worth of extended family. Oh man was it rough. And a 1/2 week later I thought we could be in the clear, turns out not. We came home early today with a sick baby all over again. I'm not feeling so well myself so I thought I'd munch on some Saltines, but The Sweet Baby just yanked one right out of my mouth. She is happily chewing away at it right now.

She's into pointing to what she wants right now. Yesterday morning she pointed to the playground when I got her out of the car at preschool. She pointed to bananas at the store. As a matter of fact, she just pointed to the other half Saltine sitting on the table. Poor thing.

I'll give you more on the camping trip another afternoon, don't worry.

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