Sunday, June 26, 2011

She'll do anything for an animal cracker

The Sweet Baby is learning, slowly but surely, how to walk. Adam has been coaxing her with Animal Crackers-- he's tricky, that Daddy. She takes one from his hand, gets a nibble, then sways in mid air as she decides-- cracker or balance-- most of the time she sways long enough to get a few bites in then plops herself down. In the last few days though, her standing has gotten longer and longer, and more often.

Yesterday she walked 3 steps for one of the precious cookies, very quick and decisive steps too. Today she was holding onto the hallway wall, walking her way down to her bedroom where I was calling to her. When she got just far enough, she took one tiny step to me without clinging to the wall or to my hand. This afternoon she has taken 2 steps, and I don't even think there was a treat involved, LOL.

She's hard enough to keep track off crawling. These big kids are going to be in trouble when she is fully mobile!

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