Monday, June 20, 2011

Because some days in the summer are just good for having a rest.

This weekend the boys went to stay the night at my sister's house (but not Sweet Baby, her mother is not ready for overnight trips at the current time). They had a blast as always, I think G would move in with them if all the grownups would go for it. This time though, something magically happened. Their cousin acutally stayed the night with us! She tried this last year and she was not ready for overnight trips at that current time but now she is good to go! This was her first time spending the night with anyone other than NiNi (my mom). We watched movies, played in the pool, and had pancakes with blueberries, strawberries and whipped cream for breakfast.

We also went bowling, cousin Ben and his momma met us at the alley. Everone had a blast! I think Ben is hooked, he was a natural! He used a handy dandy ramp to help him get the ball rolling. He'd give it a push, then watch very still has his ball rolled down, if he happened to knock over any pins he'd say, "BOOM-BA" and throw his little hands in the air. If he didn't get any pins, he'd srug his shoulders and turn around. G actually got a very high score for us, I think a 99- wow!

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