Tuesday, January 3, 2012

We had a quiet New Years this year. I was excited that Adam would be home, he usually misses New Years Eve with us and I was looking forward to spending the night at home with him and the kids. We did just that, nothing fancy.... cocktail wieners, burnt cheese dip, homemade "2012" glasses for G, and watching TV shows on Netflix. It would have been perfect if the cheese dip hadn't sucked.

We even let the Sweet Baby stay up to ring in the New Year with us. She had fun all night playing with the blow horns I had bought, eating the snacks, and playing with her brother, but at about 11:45 she started to lose her steam. Adam couldn't let her do that so he got her up and marched her around the house until she last exactly another 16 minutes. It was worth it, she thought the ball drop was magic, loved to hear the noises G made when it was 12:00, and gets happy when everyone is excited.

But then we've been paying for it since. Everyone warns against letting a toddler stay up but no one tells you why. Well here it is folks, for your information:

Reasons Why Toddlers Should NOT Ring in the New Year
  1. They will cry a lot. The whole next day. *turns out it is actually the whole next TWO days.
  2. Parents of toddlers are excited to have a wee bit of freedom since their child can now roll over without their attention, so they tend to drink a bit when they get the chance. You'll want to sleep in. They won't.
  3. 7:00 A.M. wake up time is now 5:00 A.M. and no one knows why.
  4. Everything is a tantrum.
  5. You'll have to watch where you step, never know where your toddler has doozed off for a quick snooze.
  6. They now know what those noise blowers are and how to work them.

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