Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Life Lesson #847

   Tonight I was 15 minutes late to pick up G from basketball practice.

   After, on the way to practice, I discussed with him why I was always early to things. He noticed we were going to be early to practice, so I shared with him my tip of setting the clock ahead, he seemed pleased I had a master plan. I suppose it being wrong had always bothered him.

   Typically, practice runs a little over so I was in no hurry. Wouldn't you know tonight would be the night they wouldn't. So as he jogged to the car, visably upset from his wait, I felt about as bad as I could have. 15 minutes is a long time spent waiting and his, "What took you so long?" didn't seem to help. I spent a while feeling guilty, told him I was sorry about 5 times, and resisted the urge to stop at Sonic and buy him I'm-A-Bad-Mom-Icecream.

   Then I told on myself to the husband who had the best idea ever. Why don't I think about these things? I should have just gone all "life lesson #847" on him!

"Well this is how it feels when people are late. Sucks doesn't it?"

   Ah well, I suppose humility and admiting when you are wrong is another life lesson to learn. I also told the hubs I now plan on screwing up more often. We can't have our children believing everyone is as dependable as their dear old mom. So things are going to change around here! Expect an unloaded dishwasher from time to time, and being late to ball practice... although I don't think I can do that to him anytime soon... and... I'm sure I'll come up with more to screw up in the thick of things. Chips for dinner. Maybe we'll have chips for dinner.

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