Monday, January 23, 2012


I took down the tree decorations Saturday. The kids didn't seem to mind and considering it is the end of January they really didn't seem like it was that out of character. I should be scared by that, I think.

G has been doing well with basketball, his team has 3 wins under their belt and I do believe he has a few assists. I think he could have attempted to shoot the ball at the basket, but no luck making it. I say think because I spend most of my Saturday basketball game time wrestling a pig, I mean the Sweet Baby, in my lap while making sure that The Diva shares my pens with her "friends" and Skywalker stays within eyesight. The last game had real seats, and I remembered to give the baby some Benedryl before we left so I was able to watch more, yay!

All in all, he is doing well. Coach says he needs to be more aggressive. Gave him some mental image about a bee and the basketball is honey. Forget the bee, I said. Just imagine the other team is your sister and she just stole the basketball. Now that's aggression!

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