Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Summer Loving

Hello my dear readers!

It is May and we are struggling to wrap up school and work and get to baseball and looking forward to not doing anything so we can do everything we always wanted to do but never had the time. I've made a board for it here, and plan on doing a lot of artwork you see here I'll try to post updates on our progress through summer. So far the boys want to make the play Harry Potter wands and Skywalker wants to go to the library a lot. G just likes to count down I am pretty sure. The last time he updated me, we had 20 more days left until summer.

I am looking forward to art projects with the kids, organizing my craft stash, scrap booking some, and the pool. Oh and reworking my art class curriculum. I had big plans last summer to do that and never go around to it. I would also like to update the decor for my artwork, or create some as I have never really had any just for "pretties" in my art room. I am obsessed with rainbows, thinking we will go that way.

completely random self portrait of Sweet Baby and Mom "CHEEse"

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