Sunday, May 13, 2012

Quack Quacks ala Warhol

A few months ago I had a plan for a group art piece for the kids bathroom. I searched for clipart stencils for my inspiration, and ubber excitedly printed them out thinking of how perfect this would be.

Then my perfectly edited stencils laid in wait in my "for the kids" file tray for a month. They would have been there longer if the short kid didn't find them and demand to "Colo Colo!" (Color). Finally, after months of wriggling to finish a project, we bring you

Quack Quacks ala Warhol.

Here's what it looks like with the shower curtain I found while ubber excited. You can't see it but there's a glass vase full of rubber ducks on the counter. I plan on making a tshirt/towel rug but that project is still in the second phase of Price House Crafting- "where did I put that in progress bag of supplies again?"

And in case you haven't been playing along very long, here's our inspiration... That Baby loves her some quack quacks.

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