Friday, April 27, 2012

This week we sold our old house. I am filled with a sense of relief as well as uncertainty. We started our lives together in that house. We started our family in that house, bringing home the boys during custody arrangements, bringing their sister for summer visits, bringing the baby home from the hospital and finally M home for good. There are dents in the walls, chips in the tiles, and dog teeth marks in the trim because of us. I loved that house but we outgrew it very quickly.

Here's the kids having one last climb in The Tree...
We all picked rocks to take home with us. Its a thing we do, rocks. Started with a trip somewhere and hasn't stopped sense. The baby picks them up and asks "Take rock?" when she finds one she really likes. So I made the kids only pick one that day, but I picked 4 of my own and didn't tell anyone.

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