Friday, April 27, 2012

This week we sold our old house. I am filled with a sense of relief as well as uncertainty. We started our lives together in that house. We started our family in that house, bringing home the boys during custody arrangements, bringing their sister for summer visits, bringing the baby home from the hospital and finally M home for good. There are dents in the walls, chips in the tiles, and dog teeth marks in the trim because of us. I loved that house but we outgrew it very quickly.

Here's the kids having one last climb in The Tree...
We all picked rocks to take home with us. Its a thing we do, rocks. Started with a trip somewhere and hasn't stopped sense. The baby picks them up and asks "Take rock?" when she finds one she really likes. So I made the kids only pick one that day, but I picked 4 of my own and didn't tell anyone.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Sunshine and Rainbows

I got this idea from a pin. The blog is here

If my daughter poops glitter tomorrow, this is why. We were elbow deep in gelatin and food coloring. I had just explained to the kids this was the stuff in jello but we would not be eating it, even if it did look like sugar.

Enter Sweet Baby, who had climbed into her chair herself, therefore was able to climb down, plan the best spot to sneak and roll her own highchair into position then climb back up for easy counter access. She was happily eating glitter perched from her nest when Skywalker turned to me and said, "uhm, is she supposed to be eating all that sugar?"
"We aren't using sugar, I just told you.... Who's eating sugar?"

I'll try and post the suncatchers when they are finished.

Trouble in a Tutu Surrounded by Slothes

The Sweet Baby knows a new word. Sounds like, "No, no a*%" but I'm going to guess she means ASK. Maybe kids have been taking things and then hear they should ask for a turn instead. Or maybe Mommy needs to watch her younger while driving. Sleep over with friends planned for tonight. The kids are way excited, and NiNi is watching them while I stock up on provisions. I leave you with this, a shot of Trouble in a Tutu. She is picking herbs from my kitchen garden. And for those of you who complain I never update you on big kids, this is why. They a sloths. It was hard to get them all in the shot and they wouldn't move either. This is what Saturday mornings are made for.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Technology! How many months with a smart phone and I am just now able to add another Google account to sync my blog. You should see more posts now. Should.

We are sitting it out at baseball practice now. Skywalker loves it and is pretty good. He's playing pitcher... Err.. I think. He's the one standing next to the pitching machine. That means he gets to know the coach rather well but also means he has a spinning machine to stick his finger in when coach isn't watching. I'm waiting.