Wednesday, July 13, 2011

That Shopping Trip

Yesterday while the boys were at VBS with a neighbor, Sweet Baby and I went to Target to snag some coupon deals. Only she was not feeling very sweet.

She has become That Baby in the store.

I keep a steady supply of animal crackers and juice for occasions like this, only this night we had issues... She started in earlier than usual, so I had to get the crackers out a mere 10 minutes into the trip, we were barely done with the $1 bins in the front. As you know it is back to school clothes shopping time, so I was browsing the clearance racks in the baby department when she uncovered my keys from the bag and started flinging them around my face and giggling. Real cute, and as I say "No, no, you'll lose those" she did something even better, something I hadn't even thought of until the event was flashing before my eyes... as soon as the words left my mouth, something small and shiny leapt from her tiny hands. I spent the next 10 minutes looking for the end of my rather expensive clickey key slider thing, without it and we would have been setting up camp in Target clothes racks. After that she was a wee upset I took the keys from her and in her emotional state, overturned the bowl of crackers.

Oh joy.

Animal crackers all over the floor. Can't eat them off of this carpet, even if we don't tell Poppy. Gross. We both looked down at the floor in disbelief and muttered, "uh oh."

That's okay, we still have the sippy cup of juice. Only we are new to sippy cups, you know the real sippy cups with the hard top that aren't at all like a bottle. So all the new clearance clothes ended up damp and smelling a wee bit like apples...

So an hour later, we are in way backed up check out lines but because Target is great someone was sent over to open up a lane and the manager sent the lady with the crying baby right to the new guy. Yay!

I pull out my reusable shopping bags, my coupon stack, my coupon binder, her "peek-a-boo in checkout lines" blankie (you laugh, but I bet you're jealous your mommy didn't think to have one), and settle in. The guy pulls out the bags and jokingly says, "Oh, you're That lady" (Meaning the one who doesn't want millions of plastic bags to suffer simply because I have an addiction to shopping, but I do believe he was just trying to make conversation and in no way MEANT what he said to sound like, well... American).

My reply was simple. "Yes, I am."

Then at the end, I hand him my coupon stack. "And I am That lady too, the one with the 2 coupons for almost everything in the cart lady."

By this time, the Sweet Baby had grown tired of the peek a boo blankie, we were out of crackers, and everything she had on was juiced. Not happy. "Oh, and I am THAT lady too, the one with the crying baby, cart full of stuff, reusable bags, and coupons. You're favorite!"

We both had a good chuckle. I did manage to have $59 in coupons though.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Commenting Woes

My apologies everyone, I had commenting set to people with accounts only. The "anonymous" setting I have been claiming to know about is now back. Comment away (but be sure to leave your name in the comment so I know who you are)!

Today, Milk and Cookies. Tomorrow... College Applications, sigh.

Disclaimer: I am on my mom's computer which doesn't have a spell check tool bar... probably because she can spell.  Plus I am in a little bit of a rush, so please read this in the morning, before your coffee and ignore mistakes until I can edit the big ones.

Today the Sweet Baby is 11 months old. One more month and I will have a toddler on my hands, which is very bittersweet for me. This year has been filled with so many milestones for her, it is sad to think that soon she will be no longer a sweet baby. Aunt Jo Anne swears she said, "Stop" today while holding out her little hand. I didn't hear it but I did see her hold out her hand, and she very well could have said it.

Cousin Camp went to The Fun Factory today, which is like Jump Zone with a shark jumper. Lots of fun was had at the factory, almost no melt downs, and only one time out. G had fun taking Ben Ming around to the different jumpers, Skywalker and Makenna busy-ed themselves with races, and Sweet Baby had fun jumping in whatever we would let her. She would crawl so fast to try and keep up with the big kids, then get to the entrance of the jumper they were in and growl because she couldn't get her leg up high enough to get in.

I let her in one jumper with big brother Skywalker, who was more than happy to help her "dance" in what he called the dance house (since it had brightly colored circles on the floor). He gets into a lot of trouble for "helping" her when she doesn't need it, which has already lead to a situation involving the fire place bricks and her head, so he was very proud to be able to help his little sister in a time of need (and not get yelled at for it).

This afternoon we went to see Makenna's gymnastics practice, she is very good! And I had no idea, but she is on a competitive team and will be in meets later! The baby and I made a pit stop at Poppy and NiNi's house... she has been stuffed full of cookies and milkers and is now being held by Poppy, who is being led by her around the house using her power of grunts and kicks to the gut.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Camp Update

Quick overview of Cousin Camp so far...

It is 12:17 A.M. Tuesday morning, I am up late finishing up the last of the cousin camp t-shirts. I am covered in fabric glitter and still not sure that it is effective. I have one more coat of paint to do on 2 more t-shirts. This year we went with tie-dyed, stenciled shirts. Pretty cool even if I do have to say so myself, and I'll try to post a picture later.

There was tie dying, and swimming at Briarwood. Ben's 3rd birthday was Friday so we went bowling in in celebration of that. Then there was a night at Aunt Jo Anne's house followed by a family birthday party Saturday. Sunday we did the 4th celebration with fireworks and surprise paper lanterns from Uncle Danny (they were so awesome, "just like Tangled!" they said). Monday (today) we woke up a little cranky and in need of a nap shortly after breakfast, so after a 3 hour snooze while the big kids played, the babies and moms woke up. But the moms woke up with a headache, so we just went to McD's for some playtime then had some tasty yogurt. According to Skywalker, they had "about a million kinds of ice cream to chose from and all kinds of candy to put on it." I think they were very pleased. Our part of the cousins are back home for a night of rest, plus I needed to finish these shirts. The Sweet Baby needed a night in her own bed, she hasn't been sleeping well and the boys needed to rest too I think.

Tomorrow, back into the swing of things at Aunt Jo Anne's. I think we are going to a bouncer place. Fun times!