Tuesday, September 27, 2011


G checked a library book out for research for a dragon story line they are playing out with their toy dragons. We had a yard sale over the weekend, due to the impending move and while sorting for it, I threatened to get rid of the dragons if they continued to be ignored. After a few days, Keaton got out the box and came up with a story line for the dragons, played out like a movie that was far too complicated for Maddy and I to understand so we just went on about our business. Today G came home with a library book about Medusa, the two of the discussed information the whole way home. Minutes after we got here, they were off in their room, adding their new spin on the story line as they went. I'm a little proud he took the time to find a book about what they needed, or maybe the book found him. Either way they are pretty smart, those two.

On a toddler note... Thank goodness for Crayola color wonder markers. Where did she get that marker and how long has she been coloring Elmo's eye?!

Here she is later today, sorting her crayons into piles, then back into the bag, out of the bag, in the bag, on the floor, then back out of the back. I got the crayons out for her because Maddy was doing homework, Keaton was writing a creative story in his notebook, and G was off somewhere doing... something... I am not sure what. Anyway, she felt she had to do something too. So I got out crayons and a book for her to color in and she started sorting like mad. Oh, and I couldn't help. She growled at me when I put some in the bag while I thought she wasn't looking.

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