Sunday, August 7, 2011

What's your talent?

It turns out I do have pseduo tumor, I've been taking the meds for about 5 days but am still seeing double.

G is totally turning my condition into a side show. Their neighbor friend was over the other day and this is how it went down,
G: Watch this!
G: Hey Brenda, take your bandana off (it helps me see better to only use one eye). Now, how many fingers am I holding up?
Me: 2 Gabriel.
G: See, she THOUGHT it was 2 but it was only 1!
Me: Can I put my bandana back on now, please?
If he starts having extra change to get candy bars I'm going to say he's charging admission.

The Sweet Baby went and turned one on us. She's still the same sweet baby though, she didn't grow up over night. But boy is she teething, that kid has some toxic poo right now like you would not believe. And she just discovered Elmo is on her Pampers.
"OMG. Why didn't you tell me of this before, Woman!? Did you know ELMO is on these?! Has he been here, GASP, the whole time!?"
Then she refused to let me put that diaper on her because she was not done telling him about her day and giving him kisses. That girl loves some Elmo right now.

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