Sunday, July 22, 2012

I am rocking this kid to sleep while she cuddles with her own Duplo creation. Also watching Little Einsteins, known as Rocketship around here. She just correctly pointed out a triangle on the screen without them saying what it was first. Smart kid.

The boys have started football and are excited except for hot practice days. It really is hot. They have been training at home, pretty much every day.

Skywalker seems to be staying out of trouble, only with the occasional burst of stupid. G can't seem to function well enough to realize there are words coming out of my mouth. That comes with the territory I suppose, I just discovered something scary: he is now pre-teen. OMGoodness,nearly fainted at his check up when the "Your child's stage is..." Sheet labled him "pre-teen". I am not ready. I don't think he is either, though.

Can you be a tween and still watch RocketShip with your two year old sister?


Even when she isn't in the room?

Friday, May 18, 2012

Manners Get You Far

She just brought me an unopened bottle of ketchup from the pantry and said,

"momma, heah. Eat catch peas. Tanks."

For those not fluent in 20 month old that is,

"Mom, here. Can I have ketchup for dinner? Thanks."

Monday, May 14, 2012

Water, water everywhere.

It all started when she wanted to play with green play doh. Then she took a big bite, yum. It got stuck to the roof of her mouth and in her frustration she began hurling play doh tools across the kitchen.

As she knows that is an automatic out of the chair.

Only she was still battling the half eaten doh so she wanted a cup. Not happy with my choice of water over juice, she had to stay in the chair more for throwing a fit. She even explained she'd be glad to go nigh-nigh on the couch if I'd give her a cup of milkers.

Being the sneaky mom I am, I decided to pour her water into my cup. That looked even to her so she took it.

This is also what it looks like when you take your cup away from your toddler...

For doing this.

You don't want to see what happened when she dumped the water out just to keep me from taking it a second time.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Quack Quacks ala Warhol

A few months ago I had a plan for a group art piece for the kids bathroom. I searched for clipart stencils for my inspiration, and ubber excitedly printed them out thinking of how perfect this would be.

Then my perfectly edited stencils laid in wait in my "for the kids" file tray for a month. They would have been there longer if the short kid didn't find them and demand to "Colo Colo!" (Color). Finally, after months of wriggling to finish a project, we bring you

Quack Quacks ala Warhol.

Here's what it looks like with the shower curtain I found while ubber excited. You can't see it but there's a glass vase full of rubber ducks on the counter. I plan on making a tshirt/towel rug but that project is still in the second phase of Price House Crafting- "where did I put that in progress bag of supplies again?"

And in case you haven't been playing along very long, here's our inspiration... That Baby loves her some quack quacks.

Happy Mothers Day

Happy mothers day to all of you mamas! We celebrated by going to my sister's house to hang out with our matriarch, my mom. Sadly, we are on our way home now. The baby wakes with every other curve or bump to voice her opinion about leaving her poppy (my dad) behind. She whines herself back to sleep until the next bump or loud song.

Here they are back about 6 months ago and then a year ago.  I don't have a recent one on my phone but they still get into the same trouble any way.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Hey Teacher, Leave Them Kids Alone

Make a teacher smile this week. It is teacher appreciation week and being surrounded buy them in all parts of my life I find it important to show some love.

Our gift was inspired by Pinterest but fueled by my own desire for new nail polish for this rainbow, but I digress.

here's something I recieved from a student. It brightens my door in such a crafty way!

Sunday, May 6, 2012


The baby digs at school. They have pea gravel on the grounds and I have been told that sometimes she gets so into her relocation of it that she ends up with it in her Pampers. She into it. Here she is digging in our rock yard with her newfound stick/digger.