Saturday, February 18, 2012

Life Lessons for Moms in Training

That's the last time I will tell a toddler to
"make your mouth be empty if you want another bite."

I have to admit, that little booger is good at her problem solving. She kindly took the bite of mushy Goldfish out of her mouth, plopped it on my leg, and made the sign for "more, please."

Mushy Goldfish just don't have the same flavor as a fresh catch.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving er, I Mean Happy Heart Shaped Balloon Day!

Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours.

Since becoming an elementary teacher 7 short years ago, my V-days are usually spent busying myself with 3 things:
  1. reminding myself I really don't believe in expecting my husband to spend money on flowers just because everyone says he should profess his love,
  2. maintaining control of short kids hyped up on chocolate and left over glitter from last minute crafting of Valentines boxes, and
  3. tall kids hyped up on so many misdirected hormones they can't see straight.

This year, I accidentally created myself a day of magic. My neurologist, or what I have started to refer to as "the crazy person's waiting room" only had an opening for today. To make the most out of a wasted day, I scheduled the baby's check up for today. Some time last week while asking for a sub, I realized-- oh that is Valentines Day. What? Can I do this? Is this legal? Will other teachers shun me? Who cares! I might make this a yearly thing, doctor's appointments for all Price children! Dentist! Check ups! Shots! Yearlys for the misses even! As long as the date is February 14th! I missed the whole school balloons shoved into trashbags, hyper children, hurt feelings when no Valentines are given, the idea that this holiday has been so overrun by consumers in general, "You mean we have to WORK TODAY?!" awwww, and it was a day full of love, in the waiting room. Now I can go back to work tomorrow and do my job full of love for my students.

So one of the boys came home saying someone called the girl a diva. She didn't hear because she was too busy telling someone else what to do. He wanted to know what a diva was, making sure the person was being nice. Well... you know how your sister talks with her hand on her hip and sways her head? Yeah... that's diva. And how she tells you what to do all the time, yeah, more diva. Little did he know I had already dubbed her "The Diva" for the purpose of this blog. He complained that we had only just gotten home and her bossing was getting a little old.

Her answer to that, "Him supposed to be nice  *read "do whatever I want him to"!  It is Thanksgiving! We supposed to LOVE EACH OTHER!!"

Thanksgiving. Guess I forgot the turkey again. Dang. Slacker Mom, at it again. Mind you, I have explained the whole Valentines' Day is not Thanksgiving thing at least 3 times this week. And so has Skywalker.

Sometime I must tell you about how, after a last minute reminder text from the teacher, I beat out another mom for the absolute last cheap bucket of ice cream at the local Big Star this morning. Survival of the fittest- a second of hesitation loses you the gazelle, I mean generic bucket o' vanilla.