Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I really hate it when my favorite blogger gets into a rythym of writing every day or at least 3 times a week, let's say. I'm addicted to reading so I check back everyday. One day without an update can be excused, they are human after all. They do have a life worth blogging about, let them live it! But 2 days without an update and I'm a little erked. A week without any word, and I might boycott!

Thanks for coming back. We've been busy.

The Sweet Baby never slows down. She is able to call me "Mamama" and Adam "Adah". She calls for me while she's a preschool, so I've been told. She is playing with the big kids and laughing at what they do, like running down the hallway. She thinks that trick is just too much. She loves Ritz crackers and watermelon and carrot juice. She still doesn't have any teeth but threatens to grow some any minute now.

Track and Field was this week for the boys. G got one 1st place in Magic Circle and two 3rd places. Skywalker got two 1sts, a 2nd and a 3rd. They both had a good time, but were disappointed their dad wasn't there to take them to lunch and see them. I did get to see some events between classes, and what I didn't see, a friend took pictures of.

The Diva is living up to her name! She is going full force with personality but that's why we love her. She is loving that the baby has a little more personality and can play more now. She's getting so smart, knows almost all of her letter sounds now and is trying to sound out small words. She is doing very well at preschool and always gets stars for helping out.

We have 15 more days of school this year, not that we're counting down or anything.